Utility Commission

The New Holstein Utility Commission shall consist of five members appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Council, for five-year staggered terms, commencing October 1. The Utility Commission meets on the Fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:30 P.M. at City Hall. See calendar for exact meeting dates.

The Commission shall have charge of the management and control of the Sewer System and the Water and Light Utility subject to the general control and supervision of the Common Council, provided the Sewer System shall not be combined with the Water and Light Utility. The Commission may employ such employees as in their judgment is necessary and shall have the power to fix the compensation of such employees. The Commission shall be subject to sections 66.042, 66.068, 66.069 (1) and 66.076, WI Stat., and in operation of the Water and Light Utility to the rules and regulations of the Public Service Commission, so far as applicable.


Pauly Paul

Terms 9/30/2027


Brad Hess

Terms 4/15/2025


Barry Scholz

Terms 9/30/2026


John Klinzing

Terms 9/30/2028


Scott Busse

Terms 9/30/2025