All City of New Holstein Residents vote at the City Hall located at 2110 Washington Street, New Holstein, Wisconsin.
If you have recently moved to the City of New Holstein; changed your address; or your name, you will have to complete FORM EL-131 Voter Application.
If you are a new voter, you will also need to complete FORM EL-131 Voter Application and have proper identification.
The City Clerk’s Office has FORM EL-131 available to you to complete or you can go to and register on line.
For more information about requirements for voting in Wisconsin please visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission voter information web page:
City Residents are required to recycle their items every other week. For the Recycling Calendar and instructions for Recycling Pick-up click the link:
2024 Garbage and Recycling Calendar
2025 Garbage and Recycling Calendar
City of New Holstein residents are advised that leaves, not grass clippings, may be placed in loose piles into the curb/gutters at the street edge in preparation for collection by the Public Works Department personnel. Residents are asked to avoid placing leaves on top of Storm Sewer Grates. See notices for collection beginning and end dates. Grass clippings and yard waste should be hauled to the City's compost site located on Taft Ave.
City wide Trick or Treating will take place on Sunday, October 29, 2023 from 3pm-5pm
City Hall Hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Friday 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Mailing Address:
2110 Washington Street, New Holstein, WI, 53061
Phone: (920) 898-5766
Fax: (920) 898-5879
The Building Inspector is available on his cell phone (920) 901-0288 or by appointment.
The City Assessor is available at (920) 733-5369
You can reach them directly at [email protected]
City of New Holstein residents who own a dog which is more than 5 months of age on January 1 of any year, or 5 months of age within the license year, shall annually, or on or before the date the dog becomes 5 months of age, pay the dog license fee and obtain a license.
The City will begin leaf pick up on October 7 - November 24, 2024, weather permitting. Leaves may be raked into the curb/gutters. Do not box or bag the leaves for pickup.
Pickup does not include grass clippings, sticks and branches, or garden waste. Those items must be disposed of at the Compost Site. If you desire, you may take your leaves to the compost site on Mason Street and Taft Avenue.
Winter parking is in effect December 1 - March 1.
Overnight parking from 2:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. is prohibited.
2024 Dog Licenses are now available at The City Clerks Office.
City of New Holstein residents will pay their taxes at the Calumet County Courthouse.
The hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Payments can also by sent by mail to, City of New Holstein, c/o Calumet County Treasurer, 206 Court St. Chilton, WI 53014
Please refer to the Wisconsin recycles document!
Please watch the attached video from the League of Wisconsin Municipalities.
You can view the City Comprehensive Plan Here
No, you do not need to register your ATV/UTVGolf Cart in the City of New Holstein.
Please see attached map for Golf Cart crossings.
See the attached file for all of the details.
It's easy! Open the attached document and scan the qrl code or search for the City of New Holstein in the Google or Apple Store.
Curbside Brush Pick-up is the 3rd Monday of the month from April-November. Please have your brush on the curb by 5:00am Monday morning. Limbs can be no more than 6" in diameter.